Today I made from scratch (ie not a packet mix!!) some strawberry surprise fairy cakes. I added in some pink food colouring and strawberry flavouring- boy are these cakes pink!!! The surprise is a marshmallow in the middle of the cake! Then on top is strawberry flavoured icing (again I added the pink food colouring and strawberry flavouring) with a pink jelly diamond in the middle. I must say they are very yummy and don't really want to share them with anyone.
Apart from baking I was on my scout sleepover this weekend. It went very well and the kids enjoyed it!! I was totally knackered afterwards but don't care! As long as the kids had fun thats all that matters. They got to try out new activities they don't normally do and it was completely different to a camp which I think is what made it interesting.
I've also finally got through all the dvds I brought in the january sales. Which means I then went and brought another boxset last night!!!
I have plans to make my mum a mothers day cake for sunday. I'm hoping it will go well and take some photos of it if it looks good and post them! I've also ordered her a balloon bouquet to arrive the day before mothers day (As they dont deliver sundays!). Then she has a few little presents- some mint creams that she loves, a necklace and earring set and a bag of blessings which has a very cute little thing with it explaining all the contents of the bag, such as a dove to send peace, guardian angel to look after her and things like that!