
Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog challenge posts

Day 23 – 15 Facts about you

1. I have size 2 feet and can buy my shoes/trainers from the childrens section
2. I have a degree in Psychology with Clinical Psychology
3. I'm a proud Aunty with 3 nieces and 2 nephews
4. I love to read
5. I am addicted to cheesy crime programmes (Diagnosis Murder, Murder She Wrote)
6. I don't drink any fizzy drinks
7. I volunteer for 2 different charity organisations
8. I am a nintendo gaming girl
9. I love to play board games just as much as computer games
10. I collect rubber ducks
11. Scouting is my passion
12. I believe in fairies
13.I believe in honesty
14. My friends and family are extremely important to me
15. I like taking a lot of photos!

Day 25 – 5 of your favorite movies/books

1. Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
2. We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
3. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
4. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

So I've failed at the blog challenge! I was doing so well but now I'm not even sure what day I got up to on it.

I'm not even sure what I last blogged about it that wasn't to do with the blog challenge, so I will just do a little catch up and hope for the best and maybe randomly do some of the remaining days on the blog challenge.

I finished 2 weeks of cipro on Friday. Whilst my lung function has improved, its still not back at my baseline. However I was also started on bramitob (a nebuliser) which despite its disgusting taste, I think will be beneficial. So the plan is currently to see how things go with the nebuliser and go to clinic again in a few weeks and see what the numbers look like. If they still haven't improved enough it will then be IV time again.

I became a Godmother on the 20th March to a beautiful little girl. I love that my friends asked me to be her godmother and can't wait to see what great parents they will be (they will be amazing!). It's still a little weird to think that a person I've known since high school is now a mother though (when did we all grow up!).

I went out Saturday night with some fellow scouting friends to see a different districts Gangshow. It was a good night, the pizza hut before hand was amazing and the laughs with my friends before, during and after the show were great. All I can say for the show is they had improved since last year but it does still have a long way to go!

This week I have a few plans but not alot. It's the last week for Beavers before the holidays. I'm kind of looking forward to the two weeks off, although I'm sure come thursday nights I will be bored and be wondering what to do.

I now have the draw something app on the ipod/iphone/ipad (well its only on my ipod touch but works on all of those aforementioned apple items), if any wants to have a game, my username is: meisonlyme . My drawing isn't great but could be fun!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 21....

A photo of something that makes you happy

This is me with my family. They make me happy. I love spending time with all of them and don't know where I would be without them all.

In case people are wondering, this is at my sisters wedding. So she is the one in the back at the left in the wedding dress, with my parents next to her. Then my nephew and other sister sat on the same side of the table as me and my brother, his partner and my nieces on the other side of the table. They are all amazing!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 20

The meaning behind your blog name

So my blog name is:

I picked this because while I blog I don't necessarily mention every single thing I do in my day, so you are only getting to see a part of my day or a portion of it if you will. Plus I think I may have been hungry at the time because my university housemate was making food and offered me a portion of it!!

Pretty simple stuff!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 19

Your reflection in the mirror

Not the best picture but this is my reflection in the mirror. The only place I have a mirror in my house is the bathroom hence the reason you can see my shower screen!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog challenge and other stuff

Day 18 – Five things that irritate you

  1. When people are late- I don't think there is anything I find more irritating than when people are late, especially when they set the time to meet. Now I know this is to do with how I have been brought up as I was always told it is better to be 2hours early than even 5 minutes late. I am the only one out of the 4 of us who still live by this philosophy now we are adults, so subsequently I am always early wherever I need to be, and if I'm not going to be there on time then I let people know!
  2.   Constantly being asked if I'm ok- I am a positive person in general, I will say I'm ok even if I'm not because the moment you acknowledge how rubbish you really feel then things suddenly get 10x harder. Plus when I say I am not ok, it means I am struggling and actually need help and because I rarely complain people take it a little bit more seriously. However generally being asked once by a person in a day if youre ok is fine, being asked 5 or 6 times in a day by the same person is not.
  3. Facebook- I have a facebook account but it still irritates me, mainly because of all the drama that seems to surrond it.
  4. People not doing things when they say they would do- Again this is pretty much because of the way I've been brought up and just the kind of person I am. If I say I will do something then it is usually done within 24 hours. I find it very frustrating when people say they will do something but then don't do it and the only excuse is 'couldn't be bothered'.

 Ok I am sure lots of things irritate me but right now I can't think of a 5th one and the previous three before that were difficult. I will come back and edit this post when I think of a 5th thing that irritates me!

Other stuff:

So yesterday I was at the hospital for joint diabetic/CF clinic.The diabetes side was ok, back again in 3 months to discuss hba1c results and possibly have a 72hr continous glucose monitor study done to get a good in depth look at what my blood sugars are doing. Blood was taken for my hba1c yesterday afternoon and I have 3 months to work on what I know will not be a great result!!

The CF side was not good at all. Due to the stress of the last few weeks I have lost 1.5kg in weight and 20% lung function based on what it was when it was last recorded at the end of January. In spite of this I managed to get them to agree to a course of oral antibiotics first with the agreement that if I am feeling no better after the funeral next week I will ring up and start IVs. Things have been a little rough, I've started waking up in the night because of coughing and generally my chest has felt heavy, tight, wheezy and you can hear crackling when I breathe sometimes. So hopefully these orals will be enough, as I don't really want to go on IVs unless I really have to.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 17

How you hope your future will be like

I hope my future will be a happy one. I dont think about the future alot, I'm a little too cynical to dream about my future. All I can ever say for certain is I want it to be happy and be surronded with friends and family who care about me. It may contain a partner it may not, right now I dont really mind.

Wow I am really bad at this blog challenge thing!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 16

Describe a passion you have

If you recognise this badge and know what it is, you will know my passion already! My passion is scouting. The picture is of the world membership badge, which EVERY single person who has taken their promise within scouting wears. This means the very youngest beaver to the oldest leader will have one of these on their uniforms. I love scouting and everything it represents. I primarily work with the beavers now, who are aged between 5.5-8yrs. There is nothing greater than seeing their faces light up as they realise they have earnt badges, learnt new skills and had lots of fun. There is no greater reward than having a child come up to you and say 'Thank you' because they have had a great evening. Stories from parents saying their child gets upset because the meetings don't last long enough and they have to come home is so very humbling. Scouting has given me something great to do in life and it can take up a little bit of a time or it can take up a lot of time. It all depends on how much you want to put into it.

My health might not let me do alot of things, and there are still many things within scouting that I can't do because of my health but I will always give my all to everything I can do. For example I may have given a little bit too much energy at a campfire when I was leading a song, when afterwards I was told a group of fellow leaders were about to force me to sit down as they thought I was over doing it (which they were right) but the kids loved it and thats what matters.

Have you ever considered getting into scouting? Think you know what its all about and its not your thing? I bet your wrong!! When I went into scouting I was saying- I dont camp, I cant tie knots, I dont know how to light a fire just using sticks! but I can bake and I can be enthusiastic. Any and all kind of skills are welcome within scouting and you will be surprised at how we can utilise it!

Scouting is amazing and I dont know what I would do if I had to give it up.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 14 & 15

Day 14 – TV show (or shows) you’re currently addicted to

I'm not necessarily addicted to TV shows in that I must watch every episode as such but I do have some TV shows that I own on DVD boxset and will watch fairly regularly. These include:

The big bang theory
Diagnosis Murder
The Mentalist

Ok actually I would say I am addicted to the big bang theory!

Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without

I always carry this item as I never know when I am going to be peckish or want a drink when I am out!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blog challenge

Day 12 – Your current relationship status

Well this is nice and easy to answer: Single and happy

Day 13 – A few of your favorite quotes, mottos, or versus

'Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow' Mary Anne Radmacher

'I'm not always what I want to be, but I am always what I need to be'

Friday, March 2, 2012

Taking a break from the blog challenge today and will catch up with it.

Yesterday afternoon I received the news I have been dreading for the last few weeks. The cub I talked about unfortunately passed away on Tuesday. He was just 10 years old.

6 weeks ago he was complaining of his stomach hurting him in school to dying this week. This life is cruel and extremely unfair.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 11....

What’s in your make-up bag/purse

So I don't have a make up bag so I will tell you whats in my handbag/purse instead!

So the comments include:

A lot of old receipts
A pack of tissues
My actual purse
An inhaler
A pot of creon
Some insulin needles
A bag of sweets
Some mints
A pen

Thats it! When I go out an insulin pen gets added to it but it doesn't stay in there all the time which is why I didn't include it in my list.