
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 16

Describe a passion you have

If you recognise this badge and know what it is, you will know my passion already! My passion is scouting. The picture is of the world membership badge, which EVERY single person who has taken their promise within scouting wears. This means the very youngest beaver to the oldest leader will have one of these on their uniforms. I love scouting and everything it represents. I primarily work with the beavers now, who are aged between 5.5-8yrs. There is nothing greater than seeing their faces light up as they realise they have earnt badges, learnt new skills and had lots of fun. There is no greater reward than having a child come up to you and say 'Thank you' because they have had a great evening. Stories from parents saying their child gets upset because the meetings don't last long enough and they have to come home is so very humbling. Scouting has given me something great to do in life and it can take up a little bit of a time or it can take up a lot of time. It all depends on how much you want to put into it.

My health might not let me do alot of things, and there are still many things within scouting that I can't do because of my health but I will always give my all to everything I can do. For example I may have given a little bit too much energy at a campfire when I was leading a song, when afterwards I was told a group of fellow leaders were about to force me to sit down as they thought I was over doing it (which they were right) but the kids loved it and thats what matters.

Have you ever considered getting into scouting? Think you know what its all about and its not your thing? I bet your wrong!! When I went into scouting I was saying- I dont camp, I cant tie knots, I dont know how to light a fire just using sticks! but I can bake and I can be enthusiastic. Any and all kind of skills are welcome within scouting and you will be surprised at how we can utilise it!

Scouting is amazing and I dont know what I would do if I had to give it up.

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