
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bill Bailey, Oliver! and Clinic

Last wednesday me, my sister and my sister's partner all went to see Bill Bailey in Nottingham. I still really love Bill Bailey and whilst the show was just an updated version of Tinselworm, which I had already seen live and own on dvd, it was still really funny!! It was a good night out and I look forward to going to see Jimmy Carr with them both in November.

Saturday I went on a coach trip to London with my parents and we had tickets to see Oliver! It was a really good show and I also enjoyed that very much. I was abit disappointed that the boy playing Oliver wasn't one from the search for an oliver bbc1 and also felt a little bit let down by
Jodie Prenger as Nancy, the acting in a couple of bits was overly melodramatic and just not good!! but overall a very good show. I was very happy to of got the opportunity to see it on stage at the west end.

Sunday was a quiet day as was monday. Tuesday I had a meeting with the group I'm part of. The result of that meeting meant I spent all of tuesday evening and most of wednesday afternoon scanning in sheet music and sending it to various cast members, so we can all start to learn the words for out next show. I still have a few little bits left to do, which I will do tomorrow evening.

Today I was at clinic and was some mixed results. Positively my lung function had increased by 4%, so I am now at 76%. Whilst this is still good its still not the best it has been, especially in comparison to this time a year ago. In not so good news my weight has dropped 4kg in a month (Definitely not good!!) but still higher than it was 6months ago. So thats abit of a mix there of good and bad. The final result is definitely not good! My dietician finally told me today the results of my blood tests in regards to vitamin levels from my annual assessment in february. They are not good. My vitamin a, e & k are all low and my vitamin d level is dangerously level. Apparently everbody should have a vitamin D level of at least 75%, mine is 12%. Which is quite a big difference between the two. She didn't say what my scores were for my other vitamin levels just that they were low, but nearer the normal range than my vitamin D level is. This needs to be resolved by adjusting the doses of my vitamin tablets and will prob work out at an extra 7tablets on top of what I'm already taking. The dietician is going to work it out and then send the new prescription to my GP for them to prescribe it.

So overall a mixed clinic but quite a quick one for them - out in an hour and a half!

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