Its been abit of a busy few weeks!
I spent about a week snowed in and not really able to go far as couldnt get my car safely on or off the drive.
I'm trying to remember what else I have been upto!!!
With the scouts we did some christmas crafts and one of these was decorating the stockings. I then kept hold of the stockings ("so they could dry") and returned them to the kids at their christmas party full of some little presents. They all got a pencil, two chocolates (A santa and a snowman about the size of a small choc coin) and a small bag of haribo. Which nicely filled up the stocking. I thought it would be a good idea to wrap them all!! Well there were 25 stockings to do. That wrapping took me over 4hours to do in total. For future reference tiny little chocolates are very awkward to wrap up!!!!
On the 12th December I went to a carol service with the scouts. 3 out of our group turned upto the service which was abit of a poor showing but I enjoyed the service. Some good carols were sung that all of the kids knew and weren't too random (I've noticed that sometimes services aimed primarily at kids have some real random carols/hymns in that they are never going to know so dont sing).
It's also been a very busy time with scout post. I ended up in charge of a very large area and between me and my very helpful dad it took us 8hours over this weekend and last weekend to deliver about 1600 christmas cards that weren't sent through the scout post scheme!! This helps raise money for the groups which is a good thing but it was cold and boring and it makes you sick of the sight of christmas cards (if mine hadnt been written before I started delivering scout post nobody would of been getting one!).
On thursday I finally made it to clinic (my previous appointment got cancelled because of the snow). It went well, was a relatively quick appointment for my clinic-just under 2hours. Whilst my lung function isn't the best its been this year it also isnt the worse and so I didn't need IVs or oral antibiotics and we will see what it is like in January!!
I am all organised and sorted for christmas. All my presents are brought and wrapped and have been handed out to the correct people. I have just one present left in my house that is for my friend who is visiting this week when it will be given to them then. Scouts has now finished for christmas so I have about 3weeks off from meetings and gangshow rehearsals (yay!). Things are going to be very busy in January and February with gangshow so looking forward to this break.
I think thats about me upto date, even if this blog post is very higgeldy piggeldy.