On the 4th May I started on IVs. three times a day- meropenum and colistin. The colistin has provided its usual side effects of numb-tingly lips/gums/tongue and occasionally also in the tips of my fingers. Unfortunately nothing can be done about this and it isnt an allergic reaction and whilst it remains tolerable they will continue to give me the antibiotic. Just have to be careful I dont drink a cup of tea too fast as the receptors can be abit distorted and I dont realise things are as hot as they actually are. There have been no side effects from the meropenum but it is just a pain having to draw it up and give as its a massive 60ml syringe!! I find it hard giving a bolus syringe that is so big.
Yesterday I took part in Jamboree On The Trail (JOTT) with my scout group and another group in the district, for the day we were 71st grancaster which was a merger of our two group names!! It was an 8 mile walk. Luckily the weather stayed good for most of the day. It was 20minutes to picking up where we got caught in a brief but heavy downpour of rain. Luckily we had finished the walk and was back at the park where we started so the kids were just having a play whilst waiting for parents. We had also just got our icecreams so we were eating icecream in the rain- an unusual experience but probably not the first time its happened and highly doubt it will be the last. Here is me during picnic time halfway through the walk:

Otherwise I havent really been upto alot apart from the usual scouts on a thursday evening. I will leave this post with a picture of Buddy. one of the other leaders brought her 2 dogs along for JOTT and I had Buddy all day. We gave both the dogs hi vis neckers wear to be part of scouting!!

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