It's a very intense week when it comes to show week. Monday and Tuesday are technical rehearsals in the theatre where all the lighting is set for the different scenes and all the backstage crew work out what props need to be on the stage and when! The cast are also busy getting used to being on the stage and working out just how long we have to get changed and when we need to be in the wings (With a cast of 60 ranging in age from 7-60+) you can't be standing in the wings when you arent needed as you just get in the way! Wednesday was our dress rehearsal with an invited audience of people from the nursing homes in our town. Then thursday night, friday night, saturday afternoon and saturday night were the actual performances!!!
I struggled with quite alot of it and frustratingly had to miss out on quite a few of the scenes I should of been in the first 3 shows due to coughing and or chest pain that I knew would mean as soon as I tried to sing on stage I would just start coughing! However the final show was amazing. Inbetween the saturday shows I did my nebuliser which I think made a big difference, I battled through everything and made it onto the stage for everything i was meant to be in on the saturday night show. Below are a few photos from my week:

Doing my nebuliser backstage between shows

When I wasn't on stage during shows I could mainly be found reading my book!

This was me just before going on stage for the finale in the last show. The finale of the gangshow is always done in uniform (well for our one it is anyway!). So this is me in my leaders uniform wearing the gangshow necker!