Yesterday was my clinic appointment. Lost a couple of kgs in weight but still within what appears to be my usual range so they weren't worried about that. Lung function down 10%-they were a little worried about that!! I kind of made a compromise with them in that I said I wasn't having IVs until at least the 28th feb!! I usually go to my parents house if I'm on IVs so my mum can help me out but she goes away for a week on wednesday and then I also have gangshow from 21st-26th feb! There's no way I was going on IVs now and having to drop out of gangshow after 6months of rehearsals!!!
So instead I am on a 2week course of septrin to see how that goes with the view to starting IVs after they have finished if lung function no better.
Didn't see anyone else in clinic except the CF nurse to flush my port and then it was off back home after a relatively quick hour and a half!
Today I have baked some biscuits and here are some photos below:

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