
Monday, June 18, 2012


So my weekend was spent in the grounds of Burghley House on LinCub. Which was a county camp for all cubs. We went as a district contingent (there were 10 districts there in total), with a total of 90 cubs and 37 adults camping in our contingent alone! I think in total there were about 800 cubs there and then enough adults to cover every groups required 1 to 8 ratio plus 1 and then whoever they had as their catering teams for the weekend!! Thats alot of people.

We arrived friday evening at about 5.30pm after delays before leaving which due to proper lack of communication shouldn't of happened but there we go. It certainly wasn't our fault but the actual leader in charge of our contingents fault (which was just 1 of many really over the whole weekend but there we go). So we arrived to find that due to the high winds that the tent we were going to have our cubs sleeping in was now broken as the pole had shattered and that our 5 cubs would now be sleeping in a tent really designed for 4. We weren't too worried as a few of them were quite small and it just meant they wouldn't get cold at night! All the cubs were in bed by half 10, quiet by 11 and asleep by midnight. This is pretty good going for a first night on camp, so no complaints there. I was in my tent at about half 11 and was all comfy cosy. I always share with my fellow leader Jo, who I have known literally all my life (she is 5years older than me and was good friends with my older sister but now we are the close friends and she held me as a baby!). We share a double air bed in our own sleeping bags, it just helps to keep us both a bit warmer at night. So double air bed, blanket over the air bed (helps retain warmth better), then I was in a vest top, my pjs, a hoodie, wrapped in my camp blanket (just an ordrinary blue fleecey one but it has all my badges sewn on it from camps and stuff, which you show off round the campfires normally hence 'camp blanket'), then inside my sleeping bag. I also had my pj trousers tucked into my socks so my feet warm and they didnt ride up in the night making my legs cold. I must say despite the wind I was quite toasty so all good :o) (I am aware this paints quite an image!).

Saturday morning I was woken up at 5am by the noise of lots of cubs making lots of noise for such a very early start in the morning. I dozed until about half 6 where I gave up and realised there was no chance at all of anymore real sleep, so I got up. I was pleased to see that my cubs had listened to my instructions (of staying in their tent even if they were awake and had got dressed until I told them it was ok to get out of their tent). I couldn't believe that groups were letting their cubs get up and roam around and make as much noise as they were doing. Some groups cubs were playing football at half six in the morning as if that was acceptable- not overly impressive! By the time breakfast was served at 8am, most of the cubs were absolutely starving because they had been awake since 5am. Breakfast was cereal followed by a full cooked breakfast of bacon, sausage, beans and eggy bread.

Most of saturday was spent checking the cubs were happy on the many activities they could do, helping out on the activities we as a district were running (camp donuts, fondant icing sweets and a craft activity. The cubs coloured in some pictures that were on a sticky acetate and we then transferred them to plastic tumblers, so they had a plastic cup with the lincub logo on as a memory of their camp). I was also our districts camp first aider for the weekend. Which meant I was in charge of all the kids meds (inhalers, hayfever tablets mainly) and dishing them out when needed and any minor injuries such as grazes, bumps and bruises. Anything more major than that they were sent to the first aid tent. So my day was also spent sitting in the marquee we had set-up doing basically nothing just incase one of the cubs came back hurt. This was the plan of the other leaders to ensure I didn't over-exert myself (which I have a rather large tendency of doing).

The evening meal saturday wasn't overly impressive choices for 8-10yr olds to be honest chilli or curry. I know at least 2 of my kids sat there with just a plate of plain rice and 2 slices of french stick. I think that planning could of been a bit better but never mind. The pudding was swiss roll and custard. Lunch had been sandwiches, packet of crisps and a slice of swiss roll. Fruit was available freely all day and quite a few cubs made good use of that.

There was a 'campfire' of sorts in the evening. The weather was too windy and rain was threatening for them to light an actual campfire but we all sat around for about an hour singing campfire songs all together. One of my cubs was so tired he fell asleep during one of the songs. Which was quite impressive as the song was 'Everywhere we go', and I'm sure if people are familiar with this song they will realise what a feat that is. So at that point I sent him away with one of the other leaders to go to bed, which he went to with no complaint. He is one of our youngest cubs though, as he has only just moved upto cubs from beavers and also has some behavioural and learning difficulties which he gets over 20hours of statemented one to one time at school for. So I wasn't surprised to see him falling asleep, and he did fabulously all weekend and caused us no trouble at all. At his previous group he had the nickname of 'the runner' as if they were in an open space or the hut door was left open he would wander off. However we have found he likes to know where we are at all times, so never really strays so that we have to worry about him at all and if anything you begin to wish he would wander away for a short while. You ever had the feeling you would like to change your name because you have just heard it too many times in to short a space a time??????

Sunday morning was a little better and most cubs didn't surface until between half 6 and 7am. Another morning of activities was held for the cubs, whilst the leaders spent the time getting all the tents down (about 40 for our contingent) as quickly and safely as possible whilst they were dry before the rain started and meant we would then have to find space inside huts and meeting places to dry them. The closing ceremony for camp was 2pm and was finished by half 2. One set of our parents was already there and the others weren't far behind. So all of our kids were gone by 2.45pm. I finally left the campsite at 4pm, by the time I was allowed to get my car on site to load up kit and finished helping the other groups and loading up the van with all the big kit.

I was extremely tired when I got home as I always am after any camp. However I was so proud of my cubs. Not one leader from our contingent had anything bad to say about our group, and I can't say that for any of the other cub groups in the contingent. I don't recall having to tell any of my 5 off for any reason, so a very successful camp.

I am still extremely tired now and going to bed for a nap!

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