
Monday, August 13, 2012

Some casual observations/musings

WHY, why does your entire body decide to hurt and ache when you have a period? Or is it just me (please don't let it just be me). Why do your boobs have to become so tender and sore? I dont really understand how they are related to your internal plumbing in that way. Then my stomach hurts so I want to curl up to make it better but then my back also hurts so you want to lay straight. How are you meant to get comfy like that???

Also why is it so expensive to buy the required products for the time of the month?? Seriously, you would think they could provide these things a little bit cheaper than they are. I am guilty of stocking up when I see them on a particularly good offer because they are just so expensive!!

Final thoughts and musings on this topic- why have they not developed packaging that is more discreet? I don't need the whole world and his wife to know that I am using their products, which lets face it if you are using public conveniences then they all know as noises seem to echo in there. Also I really don't need bright purple, blue, green or rainbow (or any other appropriate colour here really) packaging in my bag so that every time I go into my handbag for my purse anyone stood near by can clearly see them. The day one of these companies provides a discreet wrapper that doesnt rustle and rattle and is a more discreet colour I will become their biggest buyer!!

Anyway rant over...........

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