Tonight is Beavers night! Beavers are alot more hard work than Scouts yet inifinitely more rewarding. Looking forward to tonights meeting, as last week they did tye-dyeing and this week they get their tshirts back. We left them soaking in the dye for I think it was 6days in the end (hopefully they were taken out the dye last night otherwise they are still in there!) instead of the initial 2 that the beaver leader was hoping for. They didn't get taken out on friday because she wasn't at gangshow rehearsals which is when they were going to be taken out. I can't wait to see the kids faces as none of them had really done tye-dyeing before, so really hope they like the finished results. It was quite rewarding last week just tying the tshirts up with elastic bands. Many of them couldnt grasp that concept at first but after showing them all individually how to do it after just a couple they were well away- I think there is going to be some real funky creations tonight.
Whilst I still love being an assistant scout leader, I'm loving being an assistant beaver leader too!!
So thats to look forward too.
Since my other blog post I had another gangshow rehearsal which is 3.5hours long. It was tiring and I think I was as tired as the junior cast members. Overall the rehearsal went well though, although I did get tears in my eyes when we were singing 'World In Union'. I don't know what it is about that song but everytime I sing I think I'm going to cry.
Today I have been tidying/emptying my bedroom out of most of its furniture and stuff stored under the bed/on top of the wardrobe into my spare room. This is because my dad is going to paint it for me this weekend yay! I thought the less furniture he had to work round the easier it would be for him. So now I can't really enter my study and my dad only has to work around my bed, wardrobe and one set of drawers. I removed all the stuff from under my bed, my bedside table, a set of drawers, my laundry hamper and a portable heater. I think my mum may shout at me when she realises what I have moved when she comes round tomorrow to help me move the wardrobe away from the wall! Oh well, quite excited that its finally getting painted as it's been on the cards since september. However have only just got organised enough and had enough time for it to get done. It will go from cream (which is the colour of every single wall in my bungalow!) to violet white. Which is a very pale purple. It's nice and light so the room still seems big and airy but it will be a change from cream!!!!!
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