I was so proud and happy that out of the 9 scouts in my troop 7 of them turned up! That was the best turn out the troop has had for a service!! Not only did they all turn up but they were smart and well turned out as well-even better. I may also have been slightly smug that we outdid the cubs (normally the cubs always have a higher % turn out than the scouts) but today there were 3 cubs out of the 14 in the pack.
The service went well and all of the kids behaved and were respectful. After that service we then moved to another place just slightly outside of the village and the scouts laid a wreath in rememberance as well. The flag bearers during the wreath laying did very well, as it was about 20minutes of where they had to stand still with the flag up. There was a couple of slight wobbles at one point where the scout nearly knocked out the RBL member who was saying the bits before and after the playing of the last post (I cant remember what its called which is really bad!!) and the cub nearly knocked out the Reverend with his flag!! Never mind they regained their balance and nobody got knocked out during any the point.
Alot of credit had to go to the two scouts who held the flag this year as our flag holder was missing so they didnt have anything to support it in!
The photo at the top of this post was taken after I got home after being out for just over 3hours! I am still enormously proud whenever I wear my scout leaders uniform and still loving our new necker change (it used to be a goldy yellow colour). Although the leaders neckers are massive on me and I can get away with wearing a childs necker!!
Just a little catch up on my day
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