Below is a picture that shows all of my presents that I got this year:

And this picture is a close up of my Edward Monkton teapot:

I love Edward Monkton stuff and was very happy to find this and The Chicken of Prosperity 2012 diary in amongst my presents!! I have a lot of the Edward Monkton Coasters and really need to make a list so I can try and complete my collection of those.
Christmas was good this year. Lots of fun was had. I got some very nice presents (as can be seen in the photo). My main present this year was a nintendo 3ds which was a complete surprise!! I didn't really know what to ask for and I did want a 3ds (mainly because I am abit of a geek and have all of the nintendo handheld gaming consoles ever since the original gameboy was released) but was more than happy to wait for it to come down in price abit before I purchased it! I also got 13 new ducks to go in my collection (I collect rubber ducks mainly but there are also some ducks in their that are made of other materials but are the same size as a rubber duck is generally!). I am now running out of room for them to fit on the shelves I have so need to purchase some more so I can display them all. I believe my total is now 95 but I think it might be higher. I have an album of them all on my facebook account but I think a photo is missing on there so it maybe over 100 ducks that I have.
Other notable presents of the year: A duck cake mould, a travel mug that says "Keep Calm and Drink Tea" which will come in very useful when I go to school every tuesday as the cups must have lids on in the classroom in case they get spilt and their travel mugs are all old and make the tea taste horrible!, my aerolatte moo (It's a frother thingy ma bob that means you can make thick milkshakes at home and also make really frothy thick hot chocolates and stuff like that) and my teddy bear warmer (it has a microwave heat pack in it, so that your teddy acts like a hot water bottle, hes amazingly soft and will be going with me on Beaver sleepovers etc!).
I don't think there are any presents I didn't like this year and feel very lucky and very grateful for all that I have received because it shows people have thought about me.
I woke up at about 6.15am christmas day morning (apparently my nephew had been awake since 5.30am so I feel lucky that I got an extra 45mins more than my mum, dad and sister did!). We opened stockings and went downstairs at about 7.30. My dad and nephew then came downstairs dressed as santa and rudolph (my nephews idea as his reindeer costume still fitted him from last year and he wanted to wear it but needed someone to lead him downstairs!). Me and my nephew then opened presents. I had all of mine open before breakfast and we decided to take a break for breakfast at about 8.30am as he still had loads to open! After breakfast he finished opening his presents and then my grandma and my sister opened theirs. For the rest of the morning we just chilled out abit, examined some of our presents. We had lunch at about 1pm. It was extremely yummy. I always love christmas dinner with the turkey and trimmings. In the afternoon my brother, his partner and my nieces came up for an hour or so after we had finished eating. After they had left my parents opened their christmas presents. By this time it was about 5pm and nobody was feeling hungry (unsurprisingly as we didn't finish our massive christmas dinner until about half 2), so we played some games instead! Once my nephew was in bed at about half seven, I did my treatments (as unfortunately you don't get a break from things like nebulisers, physio and tablets for CF even on christmas day) and then played a couple of games of Blokus duo with my mum, while my sister and dad played some games of Othello. At about half nine we all went to bed as it had been a long day after being up so early!!
So that was how I spent my christmas day!! Boxing day I spent at my parents house also mainly playing scrabble with my grandma (We played five games and I won 4 of them-she was not very happy about this at all. She is a very sore loser when it comes to scrabble as she normally plays twice a week so doesn't like the fact that I beat her and probably only really play a few times a year) and then my brother and nieces came up again for the afternoon for some tea. After another buffet style tea I came home and took the photos of all my presents and did not much else. I spent some time online having a look at some sales and brought a few things and updated my amazon wishlist to reflect what I had received for christmas (some items were given to me that were on it but not bought from the list so they needed removing). I also then got a few things off the list myself that had been reduced to some good prices.
Today I have sorted through all my presents and found places for them all somewhere within my house (They got split into 3 piles- study, bedroom or kitchen as the stuff that would stay in my living room was already there after I took the pictures last night) and have been moved to the appropriate places. I have a pile of dvds sat by my TV ready and waiting to be watched. They will take a while to get through though as there are 2 films and 5 boxsets of some tv series (The big bang theory S4, House MD S7, Chuck S1-3). I look forward to watching them all though. I have never seen Chuck but they were given to me by my friends and we have extremely similar TV likes (I would say 90% of our TV series dvd collections are identical) so I trust them that I will love it if they have given it to me.
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