So Wednesday is Clinic day.
It's the day where I will get to do my lung function again and see if its improved, stayed the same or got worse. If its the same or worse then I highly doubt I will get away without not having any IVs this time round. I only have 1 issue with this, my home support won't be in place. This means I will need to spend some time in hospital to have them instead of doing them at home. My parents are going away for a week and there is no point in having IVs if I am doing all 3 doses and all my meals at home with no rest for the ordinary day to day living tasks. It won't be fun, the only people who normally visit me if I'm in hospital is my parents. Due to the nature of Cystic Fibrosis you have to be in your own individual side room (as opposed to sharing a bay with 6-8 bed in it) and you aren't allowed out of your room unless you are going off the ward, as they are usually en suite rooms, just in case you bump into another CF patient. It can get quite lonely.
I don't particularly have the option of delaying treatment until my parents are back off holiday as then I will be on IVs during my brothers wedding, my birthday and missing out on going away for the week.
It's not a fun choice to make. At least I know the diabetic side of the appointment should be relatively ok as things are back on track there.
So fingers crossed for an improved lung function on wednesday
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