I thought maybe it was time I rediscovered blogging. Alot has happened in the time since I last blogged which was March apparently.
So a quick run down of events based on the best of my abilities!
Nothing overly exciting happened. I went on my first scout leader training weekend and went on parade for st georges day with the scouts!
I was feeling pretty rough at the beginning of May but managed on just orals and didn't need more ivs. I went away for the weekend to PGL Caythorpe again with the cubs and scouts! They all had a good time and I enjoyed myself too (despite being pretty poorly and going against medical advice by being there!). We did some cool activities (leaders got to participate too!). I think my favourite was aeroball and I also had go on another activity (I cant remember its name) where we had to climb a very tall pole. When you reach the top you stand on a very small ledge and then jump and try and grab a trapeze type bar.
There was a couple of family birthdays in May and we had a day out to celebrate those.
I furthered my TRBL caseworker training and did a course that enabled me to fill in electronic form As, meaning the clients I go and see get there cases sent in quicker and seen too slightly faster (As they dont have to wait for the forms to arrive at the county office in the post). Since then I have completed 5or6 cases, which is quite a few for the summer months (This tends to be a quieter for the legion and it gets busier in the lead up to and just after christmas).
I also spent a week on holiday in Clacton-on-Sea. It's not really a place I would recommend, there isnt really a lot in the area to do but it was nice and peaceful. So if you like quiet and dont really mind not doing anything then go there!!
I also split up with my bf in June after 10months together. Things weren't working and I was increasingly more unhappy so it was the right thing to do (it has however consequently lead to alot of problems since which im not going to get into, but i am now having to keep a diary for harassment purposes and have been recommended to go to the police if it doesnt stop soon!).
The first weekend in July I was on scout camp at our local campsite. The weather was excellent and kids had a fantastic time doing scouting activities and I just enjoyed the experience of my first real scout camp.
My friend visited for a weekend which was fab as I hadnt seen her since March!! Lots of laughs and fun times :o)
This was a busy month!! I gained a new neice and my twin brother is making a fab daddy!! Just 12days later my sister got married! It was a beautiful service and a wonderful day all round.
A few days after that it was my birthday and in the same week I also had the test for my Annual Review at the hospital. Those all went well on the day and all ran to time, which was highly unusual but definitely a good thing.
I got some good news on my diabetes front, my HbA1c (which is the blood test done to measure your blood glucose levels over the past 3months) came in at 7.4!! The top end of acceptable is 7.5. I am within normal range, this is very exciting and good news. After a number of years of denial and ignoring my diabetes really I finally started to care in December last year. This was the time I was sent on the EDWARD course (which I think I blogged about). At that time my HbA1c was 12.9- this is very not good as indicated my blood sugars on a daily basis were running in the 20s, they should be between 4-7! My current result means I am mostly within the 4-7 range but still having the odd high. This is accurate as I also do my own daily blood glucose tests with a glucose monitor. Since being on the course I have tried so hard so was very happy to see those results.
I also spent a week away with my friend B in Great Yarmouth. It was a good time and have a lot of good memories from it.
Unfortunately when getting home we had some bad news, we found out our mutual friend A had taken her own life. I have mentioned A before in my blog, she was very ill with some mental health problems and was haunted by events in her past. This had not been her first attempt and I am just very sad that she finally succeeded in taking her life. I just hope it frees her from what she couldnt escape in life. I found this a shock because she had been doing so well over the last 6months or so and seemed quite positive as she had got married and was trying for a baby. R.I.P. AW
At the end of September I attended a beaver sleepover. This is not my usual group but they needed some leaders and I said I was happy to help out. I love beavers!!! They are aged 7 or 8 and it is such a fab scouting section to be a leader for. I think it might help that I have such a love of childrens crafty activities and playing games that I get on so well with the beavers. I'm currently a scout leader but if i was given the choice to move to a beaver section permanently instead of the scout I would move without hesitation! As much as I love the scouts I enjoyed being with the beavers so much more. It's alot more hands on in terms of the activities you do and it was just enjoyable.
So that brings me to October!
The weekend after the beaver sleepover (1st-3rd Oct) I was on a scout survival camp! This involved sleeping in a marquee, getting very muddy and wet and cold! The kids all had a fab time. It was actually cubs and scouts there and they werent bothered by the rain at all. They also loved the fact they got so muddy as they couldnt have a shower the whole time we were there as there aren't showers at the campsite (we do have proper toilets and running water but only cold water in the sinks). My main job was to keep the altar fire going and keep hot water on the go at all time for drinks. I did a good job of this! It was mostly fun and we survived the rain and definitely earnt our camp blanket badges.
Since then I've had my flu jab (ok, no side effects except an achy arm for about 36hours afterwards) and been back to clinic for my Annual review results. These were mixed!! There are some questions over aspergillus because some blood results came back high and I may or may not be having extra tests for this (its not 100% clear after finally getting hold of my nurse by phone a few days later to confirm things and I will find out monday). I am still awaiting results of my bone scan, my vitamin levels are still low but others were all ok.
I've been on oral antibiotics for the past fortnight. These havent made a lot of difference and I will be starting IVs on thursday. I am hoping these will all be at home, but if I need the extra tests for aspergillus I will be having one of the weeks in hospital so they can be done sooner rather than later!! So will find out for definite on monday.
In other news I had to say goodbye to my sister today :o( She is moving to cyprus for 3yrs with her new hubby (who is RAF and has been posted there with his promotion!! He asked for lincolnshire, uk and got Cyprus!). It was a good afternoon, the whole family were together. We had some laughs and enjoyed a meal together but at the end there were some tears as we said goodbye. I was doing well until I saw my sister to cry and then I couldnt hold mine back either. She doesn't fly until tuesday but has so much stuff to do that I won't see her again between now and then. I will miss her so much, but we all have webcams and msn and internet connections. We will still be in touch and Cyprus is only 2hours away on a plane to visit. I will only be able to visit in the "winter" months though as the heat and humidity will be too much for me and will play havoc with my health (mainly the control of my diabetes!). She will be back in the UK in february, so it will be 4months before I will see her again in person. It's going to be weird but I know she is so excited to go and I will send her lots of parcels and messages and stuff like that.
I think I'm upto date again and will be blogging again with some kind of frequency (hopefully!).