........And so far so good!
Today has been a long long day. It started when I woke up at 5am and didn't get to sleep again until 7am.
My alarm then went off at 7.45am so I could be up and ready to go to the hospital!
I was showered, dressed and nebuliser and physio by 9am. No time for breakfast though as had to go to the hospital.
Me and my mum arrived in good time for my first appointment which was for the skin prick test (pics to follow later when I've uploaded to computer).
This wasn't as bad as I thought and they tested for house dustmites,grass, cat and aspegillus allergies. They also do 2controls, one you should react to and one you shouldn't!
I was shown to be highly allergic to cats and house dustmites and slightly allergic to aspergillus. The aspergillus one got repeated twice to doubly confirm if the first comes back as a positive reaction.
My reaction to aspergillus however is still not bad enough for them to start treatment, so it is being repeated in 2-3months to see if its got worse!
That took about an hour in total to do, so then it was time for some lunch before going to clinic to start ivs.
Port was needled fine and drugs went through ok. I am on tobramycin once a day which takes about half an hour to go through and tazocin 3times a day. The tazocin takes about 5minutes to do as I do it as a bolus in a syringe.
Also got the results of my bone scan-everything is all ok there which is good :o)
Sorry if this post has bad layout doing it on my blackberry will update properly tomorrow or saturday on the computer
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