
Monday, February 20, 2012


So this weekend was the beaver sleepover! The kids arrived for 10.30am and left at 2.30pm the following day, thats 28hours with twenty eight 6-8yr olds!! That is a long time to keep that many children occupied and happy. However we did it! The beavers all had a fantastic time. They didn't know when things went slightly wrong and our programme ran behind schedule because they were too busy having fun (it was just the leaders getting slightly frazzled). A few got upset around bedtime which was expected, it was their first time away from family and they suddenly realised that along with being extremely tired! However they all stayed and nearly all slept really well. Some of the leaders (including myself) got very little sleep, whilst some got more. However that is just the way it goes.

When I got home from the sleepover at 4pm I unpacked my car, got some washing in the machine and then mainly sat on the sofa trying not to fall asleep. I went to bed at 8pm as I could no longer keep my eyes open, by half past eight I was fast asleep. I did not wake again until just gone 9am this morning. That still wasn't enough sleep and by lunchtime today I was yawning my head off again. In fact I will be surprised if I see 9pm tonight I'm that tired. All I did this morning was update the beaver record cards to reflect the activities they had done on the sleepover and work out what badges they had earnt (5 of them!). That was enough to make me want to fall asleep on the sofa.

This afternoon I made it to my parents house and had a cup of tea with my mum and a good old catch-up chat (I haven't really seen her in the last two weeks because she has been away on holiday with just a few days at home in between). Then I've been sat on my sofa again struggling with staying awake. I think all that is left for me to do tonight is my nebulisers and then get into bed and sleep.

Last Thursday I de-activated my facebook account. Only 1 person sent a message to see what was going on because they noticed I was missing. I informed a couple of others I had de-activated so they didn't need to worry that they had been deleted. I have over 200 people on my facebook, of which at least half have some other way of contacting me. It's nice to know that you're not missed.

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