
Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 5...

Talk about your pets

As a child I had a couple of different pets- a fish that I won at the fair and as a teenager a hamster. As a family we got a dog when I was about 8years old. Her name was Cindy and below is a picture of her:

 Cindy was a lovely dog and very loyal. Whilst she was a family pet her favourite person was my sister. The reason behind that is because my sisters bedroom was the one that had the hot pipes running underneath it so her room was always nice and warm and she loved spending time in there. Cindy was a rescue dog and was part of our family for 7years before she had to be sadly put down. She was not a dog who liked to play fetch but she did enjoy walks when you took her on them and she would play tug of war with you with her raggy rope!

After Cindy died I did not have anymore pets for quite some time. The next pet I had was a hamster which I got when I moved into a place of my own. My hamsters name was Skittles and below is a picture of skittles:
 This is one of my favouritest pictures of Skittles as it looks like she is hiding but she generally wasn't that shy. She was a very tame hamster and would be happily handled. I had Skittles for just over a year before she too sadly died. About 6 months after losing Skittles I got another new hamster called Harry:

I got Harry when he was about 6weeks old so still just a baby. This is a picture of Harry just after I got him, he is now huge in comparison to this photo. My nephew helped me pick this hamster and we partly share him (he lives at my house but my nephew always asks abouts him and will help look after him if he needs to. My nephew also named him!). I have now had Harry for nearly 7months. He too is a very tame hamster and will happily be handled.

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